Healthcare Organizational Emotional Intelligence and Total Quality Safety Management
Healthcare Organizational Emotional Intelligence and Total Quality Safety Management
Emotional Intelligence
"Through vivid examples, Dr. Goleman delineates the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they determine our success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being. If you are part of a management team, you need to consider whether your organization fosters these competencies or discourages them. To the degree your organizational climate nourishes these competencies, your organization will be more effective and productive. You will maximize your group's intelligence, the synergistic interaction of every person's best talents. Analyses done by dozens of different experts in close to five hundred corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide have arrived independently at remarkably similar conclusions, and their findings are particularly compelling because they avoid the biases or limits inherent in the work of a single individual or group. Their conclusions all point to the paramount place of emotional intelligence in excellence on the job-in virtually any job."
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations
An analysis of more than 300 top-level executives from fifteen global companies showed that six emotional competencies distinguished stars from the average: Influence, Team Leadership, Organizational Awareness, Self-confidence, Achievement Drive, and Leadership (Spencer, L. M., Jr., 1997).
Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Drawing from decades of research within world-class organizations, the authors show that great leaders-whether CEOs or managers, coaches or politicians-excel not just through skill and smarts, but by connecting with others using Emotional Intelligence competencies like empathy and self-awareness. The best leaders, they show, have "resonance"-a powerful ability to drive emotions in a positive direction to get results-and can fluidly interchange among a variety of leadership styles as the situation demands. Groundbreaking and timely, this book reveals the new requirements of successful leadership.
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership - PowerPoint Presentation by Dick Harshberger
The Effective Leader: Understanding and Applying Emotional Intelligence - IVEY MANAGEMENT SERVICES
By John D. Mayer and David Caruso (PDF file)
Cary Cherniss (PDF file)
Safety Performance Solutions
"Creating a Total Safety Culture requires a common vision and effort from everyone in an organization. There is compelling scientific research demonstrating that the management philosophy of an organization is the most important factor determining its safety performance. For example, research demonstrates that companies with the lowest lost-time injury rates have the highest level of management commitment and employee involvement."
Emotional Intelligence: A Core Competency for Health Care Administrators
Brenda Freshman, PhD, Louis Rubino, PhD, FACHE (PDF file)
Total Health and Safety for Health Care Facilities by Linda F. Chaff
"A new book, published by AHA Press and prepared in cooperation with the Joint Commission Resources, a subsidiary of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), provides evidence that the quality of patient care can be positively affected by the health and safety of health care facility employees, and that the costs of providing the care can be reduced. Total Health and Safety for Health Care Facilities, demonstrates how the implementation of a total worker health and safety program helps meet health care regulatory and compliance requirements and simultaneously improves the quality of patient care."
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